Editors Picks

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


“Eighty and six years have I served Him, and He has done me no wrong. How then can I blaspheme my King and my Savior?” – Polycarp.

Ignatius of Antioch

“When I am close to the sword I am close to God, and when I am surrounded by the lions I am surrounded by God” - – Ignatius of Antioch.

Ignatius of Antioch

“All the ends of the earth, all the kingdoms of the world would be of no profit to me; so far as I am concerned, to die in Jesus Christ is better than to be monarch of earth’s widest bound ...... Leave me to imitate the Passion of my God .... Do not have Jesus Christ in your lips, and the world in your heart; do not cherish though of grudging me my fate” – Ignatius of Antioch.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Pantun Tentang Yesus

Main catur sekak raja
Pion berkorban s'lamatkan raja
Kematian Yesus di Golgota
Membebaskan kamu dan saya.
Jalan-jalan ke kota Tarsus
Jangan lupa beli kue Sus
Bapak-Ibu kabarkan Yesus
Karena Dia, kita hidup terus.

Ali Salim, 5 Februari 2018